The name of this tile is Chokkattan Tiles. These tiles have the ability to give a unique look to your home. We have more random colours in Chokkattan Design.
The Motif Pattern Design is the name given to this tile's design. There are a variety of colours available in the motif pattern design. and these tiles have the ability to give a classic pattern style to your home.
We have a colourful leaf tile design that elevates and transforms the overall atmosphere of your home.
The name of this tile is Victorian tile.Victorian tiles give your hotel, restaurant, or wedding hall a very classic and modern appearance.
The name of this tile is "butterfly tile." The butterfly design adds a traditional touch to your home. We have a butterfly design that is available in a variety of colors.
The name of this tile is "Diamond Design Tile." Since the Diamond design tiles are custom-made, they come in multiple colours and patterns. Dark earthly hues and black and white assemblage for borders are the Diamond design tile specialties. The tiles give your home an authentic appearance.